Quick Fill #8: This Week in GNCCFebruary 19, 2009The GNCC Track Crew is already gone, packing up the trucks yesterday for a road trip that will last all the way until October. It's time to go GNCC Racing again, folks, and we'll be doing it in just one week. And yes, we will be racing all youth classes. But we still need to stay on top of this lead law issue, and everything else. So, Quick Fill is here. Enjoy.
Quick Fill #7: This Week in GNCCFebruary 12, 2009We need your help. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has put a ban on any product designed for kids under 13 that has lead in it. This, at least temporarily, includes Youth dirt bikes and ATVs, which is a major, major problem for our sport. You can help reverse this, though, so dive into Quick Fill to find out how, and while you're at it check out all the other news from the world of GNCC Racing.
Hawkins and Raines Signing Autographs at Indy TradeshowFebruary 11, 2009
Quick Fill #6: This Week in GNCCFebruary 5, 2009Our crew is working overtime to prep and prepare for the 2009 season, while companies from throughout the industry are working to help you keep coming to the races. This week, Quick Fill speaks on the massive contingency programs available for the new season, gives a Team Suzuki West Coast update, and throws in a few behind the scenes photos. Time to get to work!
Off-Road Film Nominated for Xtremey AwardFebruary 3, 2009
MotorcycleUSA.com Backs Snowshoe GNCC, Offers up $50,000 Purse!January 31, 2009
Quick Fill #4: This Week in GNCCJanuary 29, 2009We're ready for a GNCC Weekend at Snowshoe Mountain this weekend. Hope to see you there, because we're going to make a big announcement about the race this weekend--can you say big purse? In the meantime, a whole host of GNCC racers went to the opening round of the AMA National Enduro Series in South Carolina. We've got stories and photos to go with it, so dive into your Superbowl Edition of Quick Fill.
Dick Burleson Tribute Dinner March 5 in DaytonaJanuary 27, 2009
Can-Am Announces 2009 Race Teams and Contingency ProgramsJanuary 27, 2009
Thunderlite NewsJanuary 27, 2009
Quick Fill #4: This Week in GNCCJanuary 22, 2009The Racer Productions crew is working on the small things that add up to a bigger and better year at the races. This week's GNCC summit meeting in Morgantown resulted in a plan to improve our tracks, our presentation and the overall experience for you, our racers. Within a few weeks, we'll be wide open and so will you, so we'll share some of our plans today so you'll know what to expect when the races come.
Quick Fill #3: This Week in GNCCJanuary 15, 2009All of a sudden, the info is flowing fast and furious into Quick Fill. Off-season races are going big, teams are getting finalized, and our rules and classes are all set for the season, too. If you're stuck in the frozen north like we are, you're going to need a dose of GNCC news to get you in the mood for racing. We've got it, right here.