GNCC Racing

Pit Vehicles


Pit vehicles can only be operated by permit. An Annual Pit Vehicle Permit can be purchased at the events, or single event Pit Vehicle permits can be purchased at each event.


  • Pit Vehicles: (SxS, mule, golf cart) (Max. width: 65”): No motorcycles, mini-cycles or electric bicycles with a throttle. 
  • Pit vehicles are permitted for the convenience of ADULTS (18+) only and may be operated by PERMIT ONLY.
  • Speed Limit throughout the facilities is 13 MPH
  • Pit Vehicle Curfew is 10 PM; lights required after dusk
  • All passengers must be seated
  • Pit vehicles must be used responsibly and are strictly prohibited from entering the woods or accessing the racecourse, and may not be used to carry any tools, tires, parts, gear, fuel cans, pit boards, etc., that can be used to assist a racer in any manner during the race.
  • Race machines may not be used as pit vehicles at any time during the event.
  • Crew members are prohibited from using pit vehicles or any licensed motor vehicle during their racer’s race, or to access the racecourse via public roads.
  • Pit vehicles may not be operated in a reckless, careless or dangerous manner and may not be operated by anyone under the influence of alcohol.
  • Pit vehicle use is a privilege, not a right, which privilege can be revoked or terminated for any or no reason at the sole discretion of Racer Productions
  • Unauthorized pit vehicles will be confiscated.
  • Violation of any of the above rules is grounds for penalty, including but not limited to confiscation of pit vehicle, disqualification of racer, and/or ejection from facility. 

Per Event Pit Vehicle Permit:
$20 per event (Rnd 1-8 & 10-12)
$30 @ Ironman (Rnd 13)

Season Pit Vehicle Permit:
$240 @ Rnd 1

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