GNCC Racing

Fan Guide

ACCIDENTS:  GNCC Racing is committed to making your visit with us as safe as possible, but we’re prepared in the event of an accident. If you’re involved in, or witness an incident during your visit, please notify the nearest security guard, track crew or contact the GNCC Gate Keeper, Keith Weimer, at (814) 442-0019. Please allow emergency personnel to respond to incidents promptly and without interference.

ALCOHOL POLICY:  If you choose to drink alcohol during your visit, please do so responsibly and be considerate of your fellow fans and our racers.  We reserve the right to remove any person, for any reason, and will contact police if we believe you are acting in a manner that is contrary to the law or that may endanger yourself, others or any property.

FAN E-MAIL:  Keep up with the latest developments at GNCC Racing by joining our fan e-mail list. Periodic e-mails inform fans of upcoming events and relay the most recent news from the series and its riders.  JOIN HERE.

FAN COMMUNICATIONS:  We welcome fan comments and opinions. Fans who wish to forward comments should address their letters to: GNCC Racing, Attn: Communications Manager, 122 Vista Del Rio, Morgantown, WV  26508, or email [email protected].  Fans who wish to receive a response should indicate their desire in their letter and provide a return address.

FAN CONDUCT:  Offensive signs, public intoxication and profanity will NOT be tolerated.


  • NO Motorcycles, Mini-cycles, ATV’s or electric bicycles with throttles
  • Four wheeled vehicles with a maximum width of 65" only permitted (See chart of approved pit vehicles below)
  • Operators must have a valid driver’s license and be at least 18 years of age
  • Speed Limits is 13 MPH
  • Pit vehicle use hours: 7 am - 10:00 pm daily; lights required after dusk. There is a STRICT 10 pm curfew in place.
  • All passengers must be seated
  • Race machines may not be used as pit vehicles at any time during the event.
  • Pit vehicles are PROHIBITED in the following areas:
    • Motocross Track or anywhere inside the track fence
    • Ranch Trails/Woods
    • County Road
  • Pit vehicles must be used responsibly and are strictly prohibited from entering the woods or accessing the racecourse, and may not be used to carry any tools, tires, parts, gear, fuel cans, pit boards, etc., that can be used to assist a racer in any manner during the race.
  • Crew members are prohibited from using pit vehicles or any licensed motor vehicle during their rider’s race, or to access the racecourse via public roads.
  • Pit vehicles may not be operated in a reckless, careless or dangerous manner and may not be operated by anyone under the influence of alcohol
  • Pit vehicle use is a privilege, not a right, which privilege can be revoked or terminated for any or no reason at the sole discretion of Racer Productions
  • Unauthorized pit vehicles will be confiscated
  • Violation of any of the above rules is grounds for penalty, including but not limited to confiscation of pit vehicle, disqualification of racer, and/or ejection from facility

Event Permits: $20 per event (Rnds 1-8 & 10-12); $30 @ Ironman (Rnd 13)

Approved & Prohibited Pit Vehicles
Approved & Prohibited Pit Vehicles

FIRST AID/FAN CARE CENTERS: These services are located near the Rider Registration Center.

INFORMATION /GUEST SERVICES CENTER:  Our Information Center is located inside the Rider Registration Center. Guest service representatives will be available to provide you with general information, assist in acquiring medical care, lost and found items, and other event-related services.

LOST & FOUND:  Lost & Found articles should be submitted to the Rider Registration Center. All items will be held for 30 days pending their claim. We will return items if the claimant sends a letter describing the lost item. When ownership is confirmed, arrangements will be made for the return of found items. For information regarding lost and found articles, call GNCC Racing at (304) 284-0084, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. (EST). 

PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES PARKING: Our guests with disabilities should notify the Front Gate staff upon entry for assistance in parking in areas providing quick access to our Scoring Center and the Pro Pits. Please display your state-issued ‘persons with disabilities’ parking permit in the window of your vehicle. Spaces are not reserved and are assigned on a first-come first-serve basis. 

PETS: Pets are welcome and must be on a short leash at all times and should not be left alone including in their vehicle. The pet owner is responsible for their pets and for the removal of pet waste.  Unruly or vicious animals are not welcome and will be required to be removed.

PRO PITS: Your weekend wristband is your Pro Pit Pass.  Fans can get closer to the action by meeting Pro Riders in their pits and getting their autographs before the start of the 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Pro Races.

Pro Pit Guidelines:

  1. GNCC Racing reserves the right to ask anyone to leave the Pro Pit area at any time.
  2. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 
  3. No alcohol in the Pro Pits.
  4. Smoking is prohibited.
  5. Fans are not permitted in the Pro Pits after the start of the Pro Race.

SECURITY POLICY:  GNCC Security will be on site in the event you require assistance. Should you require assistance, please notify the nearest event employee. The appropriate person or agency will then be dispatched to your location.


  • Fireworks or missile-like objects
  • Drones
  • Glass containers of any style
  • Illegal substances
  • Laser pointers
  • Projectiles of any style
  • Weapons: guns, knives, mace, handcuffs, nightsticks, blackjacks or other items.
  • Other items in the judgment of GNCC Racing that may pose a safety hazard to other guests or competitors or diminish their enjoyment of our events.

Prohibited items discovered during security inspections may be confiscated, returned to the owner’s vehicle, removed from the facility or discarded, as determined in the sole discretion of GNCC Racing staff. ITEMS MAY NOT BE LEFT AT THE FRONT GATE. Unlawful items discovered during security inspections will be confiscated and reported to legal authorities.

PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM ON FM RADIO:  Radio station will be posted at the Front Gate. Fans can tune their radios to listen to the GNCC Racing public address system during our race events. Fans within a five-mile radius of a GNCC event can get the latest racing news, interviews, highlights and facility information throughout the weekend by tuning in.

RE-ENTRY:  Guests may exit and re-enter the facility, so long as they have their wristband pass.

RESTROOMS:  Public Port–a-lets are located throughout the facility.  All restrooms will be clearly marked.

SOUVENIRS/VENDORS:  Souvenir and Vendor stands are located throughout Pro Pit Row. The Official GNCC Superstore is open Friday afternoon through Sunday. Merchandise also is available online at

TRACK ACCESS:  Safety First: GNCC Racing, like all motorsports, can be dangerous.  Fans must stay off the track and keep a safe distance from it.  Fans should never cross the track unless it is safe to do so.  Due to the nature of GNCC Racing, there is no fence barrier around the course.  It is your responsibility to keep yourself and your children a safe distance from the course.  Never turn your back to oncoming racers, and remember - STAY OFF THE RACE TRACK.

COMMENTS, CONCERNS, IDEAS:  Your comments and concerns are important to us.  We want you to feel free to bring your ideas and opinions to our attention so that we can continue to improve this great racing sport that we love.  Some of our greatest improvements and developments come from our riders and fans.  Please feel free to stop by Rider Registration and let us know your thoughts, drop us an email at [email protected] or call us at 304.284.0084. We would love to hear from you.

And with that, we’ll see You at the Races!