GNCC 101
Let’s Go GNCC Racing!
New to GNCC Racing? Need help figuring out what to do at your first race? Nervous? Don’t be! You’ve come to the right place. We’ll break it down here so you’ll be ready when it’s your turn to hear “TENNNNNN SECONDS!”
The first thing you need to decide is what class to race. GNCC Racing has a total of 137 classes: 76 Bike classes, 50 ATV classes and 11 eMTB classes – so yes, there is literally a class for every age and every skill level! Find a class that suits you on the National Classes list (Click here for ATV, here for bike and here for eMTB classes). You should base your class selection on your age and riding ability. If you are going to contest the entire series, we request you comply with the number plate color code listed in the Class Chart. Number plate color compliance is not required, but is recommended.
If you are brand-new to off-road racing, you may be interested in the Trail Rider class, or if you are an “A” or “B” rider and don’t want to race in the afternoon race, then the Sportsman classes would be a good fit for you!
When picking a skill level class, be honest. The “C” class is truly a novice class, so if you are an “A” motocross racer, consider starting out in an “A”, “B” or Sportsman class. Likewise, if you are a “B” level rider in any other off-road series or are classified by AMA as an off-road “B” rider, then you are a “B” level rider in GNCC. Same goes for “A” classes. You cannot ‘ride down’ in GNCC. We call that sandbagging and you could be disqualified if you get caught!
Many of our classes are based on age as well as skill level. For youth classes, the rider’s age for the season is based on their age as of January 1st of the current race year. For amateur or adult classes, the rider’s age is based on the date of the event, but check out the GNCC rules to make sure.
The GNCC Series is sanctioned by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), so the AMA Amateur Competition Rules apply. However, due to the unique and special character of GNCC Racing, it was necessary to develop our own rules that apply only to GNCC. There are three different sets of GNCC Supplemental Rules: Pro Competition, Amateur Competition, and eMTB Competition Familiarize yourself with the rules that apply to your level of competition, as well as the AMA rules.
If you are an ATV racer, be sure you know if your class is designated as a “Production” class per the class chart. If it is, special rules apply.
Registration: Pre-entry
You can make this really easy or really hard. Let’s go the easy route first. GNCC Racing is fortunate to have a great partner in Rocky Mountain ATV/MC, the online parts and accessory retailer that has been a premier series partner for many years. With our partner, we have developed the Rocky Mountain ATV/MC Fast Track Program. This is our online advance registration program that allows you to pre-enter the races, saving you time. When you pre-enter through the Fast Track Program, not only do you get to skip the long lines at registration, but the good folks at Rocky Mountain ATV/MC will send you a $20 e-gift card every time you use the program!
The following race fees will be charged per each class. Race fees are in addition to the Weekend Pass or Gate Admission fee. All riders must purchase a Weekend Pass. We accept cash, credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover) and check (backed up by a credit card) as payment for race fees. All credit card transactions are subject to a 3% convenience fee.
Here are the steps to pre-enter:
Step 1: You will need to have a current AMA membership and know your AMA number and expiration in order to pre-enter. To get one or to renew your membership, visit
Memberships are $49 for the year or $20 for a single event pass. If you only want a single-event pass, you cannot pre-enter, as these memberships are only available at the event.
Step 2: Visit our website at Select the Rider Services tab and drop down to Pre-Registration. This will take you to the Fast Track page where you can register. Complete the online form and print out the receipt. If you already have a transponder, make sure you correctly enter the transponder number. If you don’t have one, you can get one at the event.
Step 3: GNCC uses RFID transponders to score the races. Transponders from other series or races are not compatible and will not work. If you do not already have a transponder, you can purchase or rent one at the event. Go to the Transponder Line under the red tent next to Rider Registration to rent or purchase a transponder AFTER you pick up your envelope at pre-registration. If you already have one, you can skip this step.
Step 4: Take your receipt to Rider Registration at check-in under the red tent. There will be a special Fast Track lane. The technician will verify your entry and give you helmet tags to place on the left and right chin and back of your helmet. This is for our back-up scoring system. You will get an event sticker as well. Sign the release and you’re done.
Registration: At the Event
If you don’t have time to pre-enter, you can register directly at the event. eMTBs register Friday, ATV's and Micros register Friday afternoon and Saturday morning; Bikes register Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.
Here are the steps to register at the event:
Step 1: Go to Rider Registration and complete the Entry Form at the table outside the red tent. Make sure your handwriting is neat and legible. It would help if you already know what class you want to race. Just in case, there will be technician there to help you complete the form and answer any questions.
Step 2: You will need to have a current AMA membership and know your AMA number and expiration in order to register. If you already have one, you can skip this step. If you need to join or renew your membership, visit our AMA friends under the red tent next to the Rider Registration trailer. They can explain the various memberships and benefits available. Basically, there are two types: $49 for a full year or $20 for a single event pass. There is also a $100 family membership for up to 5 family members.
Step 3: GNCC uses RFID transponders to score the races. Transponders from other series or races are not compatible and will not work. If you already have one, you can skip this step too. If not, you can purchase or rent one at the event. Go to the Transponder Line under the red tent next to Rider Registration to rent or purchase a transponder. To find out more about our Transponders, click HERE.
Step 4: Take your Entry Form, AMA card and transponder to the Rider Registration Trailer. There should be several lines so pick one. When it’s your turn at the desk, give the technician your forms and she will sign you up and collect the entry fee. Fees vary, depending on your class, but generally it is $40 for youth classes, $60 for amateur, and $100 for pro. You will get three helmet tags – one for the left side chin, one for the right side chin and the other for the back. This is for our back-up scoring system. You will get an event sticker as well. Sign the release and you’re done.
You must have a transponder in order to race. Transponders can be purchased or rented. The purchase price is $100 - cash or credit; if you are using credit, a convenience fee will be charged. The rental price is also $100, but you get $85 back when you return it at the end of the day. You will be given a receipt along with your transponder to verify your deposit and your transponder number.
Helmet Stickers:
You will receive three different stickers for your helmet at registration. The first is a set of numbers that will go on the left and right chin sections of your helmet. This is your race number and will be used as back-up scoring. It is necessary that you briefly stop at timing and scoring each lap. The second is a class colored helmet sticker. You will place this sticker in the back, middle of your helmet, just make sure that your goggles don’t cover it. The specific color indicates what class you are competing in, so when you come up on someone during the race you will know what class they are in. Do NOT cut your helmet stickers!
Tech Inspection:
After you have properly affixed your helmet stickers and attached your transponder, take both your bike and helmet to Tech Inspection. Here they will check your number and ensure that your transponder is properly working. If you are an ATV racer, you must also have a tether cord. Equipment is not inspected. The rider is responsible for the proper functioning of his machine and equipment.
Pre-Race Bike Prep:
No matter if your bike is a 2025 KTM or a 1976 Bultaco, you will need to properly prep it for your race.
- You may come across a section or two of tight woods, so make sure to install a good set of bark busters... Trust us! Your knuckles will thank you later!
- The trails will consist of a little bit of everything when it comes to track conditions, so an intermediate tire compound is suggested. It is also best to have a new set of tires if possible.
- No matter what brand or type of tire you choose, we recommend a tire pressure of 13 psi in front and 14 psi in rear under normal conditions. If it’s muddy, then a pressure of 12 psi front and 10 psi rear may be more suitable.
- While you are checking your tires, make sure all your spokes are tight too!
- Check your brake pads. It also wouldn’t hurt to bleed your brakes.
- Double check that all nuts and bolts are properly placed and tight.
- Fill-up your gas tank, and bring a gas can that is full. Or be sure to pick up some VP Racing Fuel at the event.
Pre-Race Body Prep:
Off-road motorcycle and ATV racing is among the most physically demanding sports. Here are a few tips to get your body race ready:
- Hydrate! Start drinking drink plenty of water a few days prior to the race. On race day, make sure to hydrate before your race, even if you don’t think you are thirsty.
- The day before the race is a good time to eat a lot of carbs! It’s equally important that you eat before you race, even if you are nervous! The top pros prefer pasta or steak dinners the night before a race. Protein bars and bananas are great snacks the morning of the race.
- Seat time is the easiest way to get in shape for racing, but if your seat time is limited, running and biking can also help you cross train!
Assuming you are already registered, you should arrive at the track at least two hours before your race starts (just like taking a plane). You will first stop at the facility entrance and pay an admission fee for the entire weekend (except Snowshoe and Ironman where an additional fee applies). This is also a good time to ask where Rider Registration, Start Line and Tech Inspection are located.
Campers are permitted at no extra charge, with the exception of certain events where campground fees apply. These fees will be available in advance on the event page, so be sure to check all the info on each event page before you arrive. You may stay Friday or Saturday night or both! Please note that hookups are not available.
Once you have parked, introduce yourself to your neighbors and let them know that you are new to GNCC Racing! The GNCC Racin’ Nation is super friendly and willing to lend a hand if needed, so feel free to ask for advice.
The Start:
The Starting Line opens 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. At this time you may make your way down to the Starting Line and find your class start row. At the end of every line will be white PVC pipe with signs identifying what class will start on that row. Find your row and line up anywhere along that row. Some rows may be split into 2 separate classes. The reason for a split row is we have so many classes, there is not enough room for a separate row for each class, so we may combine two smaller classes into one row. Even if your row is split, you will only start with your class. But be attentive – the other class may start first, and the Start Track Crew will hold back your side of the row so you don’t start with the wrong class. If you don’t see the sign for your class, check the signs on the other side of the starting line, as you may be one of those split rows. If you want an idea where your row will be in advance, visit our website under Schedule tab and select that race. The Start Order will indicate where your row will be.
About 15 minutes before the scheduled start time, a Riders Meeting will be conducted over the PA. The meeting will be signaled by the waving of blue flags. The blue flag means ‘dead engine’, so please shut down your motor. It is important that everyone be able to hear what information is presented. This meeting is extremely important, and will include such details as the start format, race structure and a description of the race course. So please be courteous and listen up, especially to the race course description. During the course description, our Junior Trail Bosses, Jared Bolton and Ryan Echols, will inform you of any special obstacles or potentially difficult sections that you may need to know about, and they will also let you know where to find the "easy line" around these areas.
After the Riders Meeting will come the prayer and National Anthem. Then it’s time to go racing! Classes will start one row at a time, in one minute intervals. GNCC is a dead engine start, so every time you see the blue flag wave, shut down your motor – whether it’s time for your row to start or not. When it is your time, be careful not to jump the gun. You cannot start your motor or take off until you see the Official Start wave the green flag.
Check Points:
Over the course of one lap you will come across either two or three check points along the course. These check points track your transponder and record your times. We use this information to verify laps and monitor course cutting. You do not have to stop at these checkpoints, but you do need to proceed with caution so as not to damage the system. A Track Crew member will be present at each check point in the event you need to report a downed rider or if you yourself need assistance.
Scoring Zone:
The Finish Line is the Scoring Zone. This is where the official Time Keeper will record your transponder times and track your laps. You must briefly stop at the scoring line under the tent each lap. The Track Crew will tell you where to stop and when to go.
Pit Stop:
The Pit Stop is one of the most exciting moments for race crews and team members. GNCC races are two and three hour events, so if you’re running a stock gas tank you will most likely have to make a pit stop or two during the race to fill up with fuel. For amateur racers, there is no ‘official’ pit area. You are free to pit anywhere along the course with the exception of the Scoring Zone. Most riders try to park their rig trackside so they can pit out of their rig where tools and parts are readily accessible. While filling up, it’s also a great time to change goggles, gloves, or get an extra drink in.
Go ahead and hydrate again while changing out of your gear and loading up your bike. After you are done loading everything up, head over to the Finish Line and check out your race results. Results will be posted on the Posting Board located at Timing and Scoring (finish line). The overall finishes, class finishes and lap times will be posted. There will be a “trophy line” marked designating what positions will receive awards. If you placed above the trophy line, head on back to Rider Registration to pick up your award. There will be a table under the red tent with awards.
If you rented a transponder, return it to Rider Registration before you leave, and recoup your $85 deposit. Please clean it off first. Chances are someone else will be using it over the weekend.
Gear Check-List:
Below is a list of recommended items to bring. Remember - it is MANDATORY to wear long pants, long sleeve jersey, helmet, and boots that cover the ankle.
- Helmet (MANDATORY)
- Long sleeve jersey (MANDATORY)
- Boots that cover the ankle (MANDATORY)
- Chest Protector (Strongly Recommended)
- Goggles (2 Pairs Recommended)
- Gloves
- Socks
- Leatt Neck Brace
- Kneepads/Braces
- Kidney Belt
Accessory Check-List:
- CamelBak
- Toolbox
- Bike Stand
- Gas Can (full)
- Water/Sports Drinks
- Food
- Cooler with Ice
- First Aid Kit
- EZ-Up Tent
- Chairs
- Umbrella
- Fire extinguisher
- Pre-Registration receipt (If applicable)
- Directions to race venue
- AMA Card
- Cash/Credit Card
- Identification
- Cell Phone
Two more things to bring with you – a good attitude and a competitive spirit! No matter how you finish, no matter how many laps you make, just competing in a GNCC race is an accomplishment. Have fun, don’t quit (unless you have to), and enjoy your time at the races with your family. Whether you know it or not, you will be creating life-long memories you will cherish forever.
For any other questions you may have, please check out our FAQ, email [email protected] or call the main office at (304) 284-0084 between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. We are happy to help and look forward to seeing you at the races!