Quick Fill #11: This Week in GNCCMarch 14, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
It’s time to go racing once again! There’s been an insane amount of rumors going around this week and they are all untrue and pretty ridiculous. To clear things up, we ARE racing this weekend, we ARE racing at The General and the track is NOT under water. In fact, it’s dry enough right now that when I’ve stopped to put up arrows my dust catches up to me, so a little bit of rain would actually help the track out a bit. They’re calling for scattered showers tomorrow (Friday) and if you’re not sure what that means, “scattered” means there will be small on and off showers throughout the day, which would be nice to help keep the dust down!
Quick Fill #10: This Week in GNCCMarch 7, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
Wow, it’s finally here! It’s time to go GNCC Racing. It’s unfortunate that it took this long to get the season rolling due to the Big Buck postponement, but the good news is it’s now time to get things started. We’ll also have an update on the rescheduling information soon. I know it seems like this is taking a while, but there are many, many factors that go into making a decision that works logistically for us and the GNCC Racing Nation, and we’re also looking at a solution to fill the TBA date. So stay tuned as we hope to have something finalized soon.
Quick Fill #9: This Week in GNCCFebruary 28, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
The extended off-season ticks off one more week and we’re now another week closer to finally kicking off the 2019 GNCC Racing season. While the past few years have proven to be successful kicking the season off in South Carolina, this year we unexpectedly return the opening round to the traditional sands of Florida. This means a long and grueling day in the saddle through the deep Florida sand to kick off the season. That sounds like a total blast to some folks, and for others it’s probably not something you’re not too excited about.
Quick Fill #8: This Week in GNCCFebruary 22, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
Wow, this is not really the week we were looking for. We were supposed to be kicking things off in South Carolina at this point, but torrential rainfalls have halted that plan and forced the opening round to the sands of Florida for the Wild Boar GNCC in a couple of weeks. Obviously we never want to postpone an event but I can assure you all, you would’ve been even more upset had the Big Buck event happened. I’ve been coming to Big Buck for a long time and I’ve never seen the kind of standing water that was there Wednesday morning.
Quick Fill #7: This Week in GNCCFebruary 14, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
Crunch time is here! This time next week we’ll be preparing to kick off the 2019 GNCC Racing season with round one at Big Buck. In some ways it feels like it’s been a long time since last season ended, but in many other ways it feels like the off-season has flown by. No matter which way you feel, the one thing that is for sure if that it’s a great feeling to be getting back to racing and we definitely can’t wait to get things rolling.
Quick Fill #6: This Week in GNCCFebruary 7, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
Wow, the off-season is really winding down and we’re getting close to kicking off the 2019 GNCC Racing season. The official count has us at just 16 days away from the start of the season. That means you’ve only got a little over two weeks to get prepared and that time will fly because for a lot of folks, the past few weeks have been a blur. This is officially crunch time, and everything is coming down to the wire. Are you ready to go racing? We are!
Quick Fill #5: This Week in GNCCJanuary 31, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
The winter break is beginning to wind down as everyone prepares to get back into the swing of things heading into the 2019 season. For some, racing has already begun, and for others there may be some off-season racing coming soon. For others, round one of the 2019 GNCC Racing season may be their first round of racing for the year. No matter what category you fall into, you’re surely ready to get back into the swing of racing and the good news is that we’re going to be kicking that off in just three weeks!
Quick Fill #4: This Week in GNCCJanuary 24, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
Wow, we’re actually approaching what folks will consider “crunch time” leading up to the opening round of the 2018 GNCC Racing season. We’re now just 30 days away from going racing in South Carolina. This means it’s time to get that final push together in terms of getting your machines, your gear and your bodies ready to get back to racing because you’ll be sitting on the starting line before you know it. Every year it seems like the off-season flies by faster and faster but the good thing about that is the fact that it’s less time we spend away from the track.
Quick Fill #3: This Week in GNCCJanuary 17, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
37 days to go! We’re just 37 days away from kicking off the 2019 GNCC Racing season and boy are we excited. We’ve been talking to some of our industry partners this week getting things prepared for the season and there’s no doubt it’s going to be a good one. Obviously any new season is well welcomed after what seems like a long and endless off-season but the new season always comes and getting back to racing is a very special occasion that deserves celebration. That time is nearing and we’ll be hitting crunch time very soon!
Quick Fill #2: This Week in GNCCJanuary 11, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
The days continue to tick by and we work our way closer and closer to the beginning of the 2019 GNCC Racing season. At the rate we’re going, we’ll be kicking things off at Big Buck before we know it, so if you’re behind on your pre-season prep then it’s time to kick things up a gear and get ready. At the same time, we do hope that the wet weather the entire east coast has been plagued with since last year begins to fade away. I know there are folks who enjoy those types of conditions but at some point, enough is enough!
Quick Fill #1: This Week in GNCCJanuary 3, 2019Welcome to Quick Fill.
So it begins! The year 2019 is officially here and thus we restart our Quick Fill count. As we roll back over to begin Quick Fill #1 of 2019, it leads to a bit of excitement, as we know the beginning of the 2019 GNCC Racing season is that much closer. We’re now just 51 days away from the start of the 2019 season, which may seem like a while but that time will ultimately fly by and we’ll be rolling into Big Buck before we know it. When that time comes, we’re all in for a treat as not only is the first round exciting in terms of simply getting back to racing, but it’s also great to get the GNCC Racing Nation back together and enjoy each other’s company.
Quick Fill #47: This Week in GNCCDecember 28, 2018Welcome to Quick Fill.
It’s hard to believe it but Christmas has now come and gone and we’re staring the New Year in the face. We’re now just four days away from the first day of 2019, and that means we’re just a mere 57 days away from kicking off the 2019 GNCC Racing season. Things are really beginning to get exciting as we’re already seeing many riders begin to head south for the winter and it’s just a matter of time until we start seeing photos and videos being shared of these guys riding.