Competition Bulletins
From time to time it may become necessary to amend, add or clarify a GNCC rule, regulation or policy during the race season. Although GNCC Racing prefers not to make rule changes once the season starts, in many cases changes are necessary in order to maintain fair and safe competition. Such changes are made through the issuance of Competition Bulletins, which are subsequently incorporated into the GNCC Rules.
- Competition Bulletin 2017-4: ATV: Youth Class Restriction ClarificationJanuary 9, 2017ATV: YOUTH CLASS RESTRICTION CLARIFICATION
- Competition Bulletin 2017-3December 22, 2016FINAL 2017 GNCC National Classes and Supplemental Rules
- Competition Bulletin 2017-2December 14, 2016Tentative 2017 GNCC National Classes and Supplemental Rules
- Competition Bulletin 2017-1December 6, 2016Tentative 2017 Earned National Numbers
- Competition Bulletin 2016-13November 9, 20162016 Tentative Top 10 Posted for Public Review
- Competition Bulletin 2016-12October 3, 2016Vintage 2-Stroke ATV Class to be Offered at Ironman GNCC
- Competition Bulletin 2016-11June 17, 2016ATV Youth 90 (8-12) Class Proposal and Request for Comment
- Competition Bulletin 2016-10June 13, 2016Pedal Assist Bikes
- Competition Bulletin 2016-9April 25, 2016UTV Horns
- Competition Bulletin 2016-8April 18, 20164x4 Pro Course Walking Rule
- Competition Bulletin 2016-7February 24, 2016ATV and Bike Youth Podium Procedure
- Competition Bulletin 2016-6January 28, 2016UTV: ENTRY FEE CORRECTION