GNCC Racing

Steve Hatch Launches Instructional Website

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 | 12:00 AM

Here's a note from former AMA National Enduro Champion, ISDE Gold Medallist and GNCC contender Steve Hatch. Hatch currently trains top GNCC talent like Nathan Kanney and Kailub Russell, but now he's passing on his tips to you:

GNCC Racers, I wanted to tell you about the launching of our new website,!  We are extremely excited to provide valuable information to a large number of motorcycle riders and racers world wide!  By becoming a member of our site for $20 per month, each month you will get 2 video clips of Steve Hatch instructing how to advance your riding (beginning with body positioning and starts). You will also get 2 documents per month on topics such as Nutrition for Optimum Performance, Visualization Techniques, How to practice, Hydration and much more.  Each video builds to the next working toward more advanced moves like wheelies, seat hopping, and more.  It's just like training with Steve only by video!

Check it out!