GNCC Racing

Tuesday Toolbox: Austin Abney

Tuesday Toolbox: Austin Abney

Tuesday, February 25, 2025 | 11:45 AM
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 | 11:45 AM

GNCC Racing: Let’s go back to the beginning. When did you first start riding? What was your first bike or ATV? When did you decide to start racing, and what was your first GNCC race like? 

Austin Abney: I started riding when I was 3ish years old, as the years went on, I became less interested in school sports and more interested in racing (which at first my parents were not a fan of LOL). My first race was back in 2014, IXCR put on a race at the Badlands Offroad Park. I was on a Honda TRX450ER that I had just talked my dad into buying for me, little did he know I had a game plan to race! My first GNCC was later that year at Powerline Park, it was very cold and muddy, but I went out and had a blast! If I recall, I am pretty sure I got 2nd in C class that day! 

Austin Abney powering through the muddy conditions at round one.
Austin Abney powering through the muddy conditions at round one. Mack Faint

You’ve just secured your first overall podium finish in the XC1 Pro Class. After having some time to reflect, has it fully sunk in yet?

Yes, it has finally sunk in! I’ve just been trying to enjoy it as much as possible but now that it’s Florida race week it’s time to focus in and get prepared for that! 

The weather made this race challenging, with rain creating muddy conditions and deep ruts as the race went on, causing issues with lappers and machines bottoming out. How did you adapt to these changing conditions? Did the muddy track play to your strengths?

Honestly, I wouldn’t consider this race a “mudder” until the last lap. Although it was a little slick and chilly the woods weren’t bad! As much as I wanted to complain about the cold temps, I couldn’t because that is my kind of riding/racing especially being from Indiana this time of the year! I did have 2 very costly run ins with lappers both occurring on the last lap. Both were out of my hands, so I just did my best to make it to the finish line still in the top 3. 

How do you mentally prepare before each race, especially when you know conditions could be rough like they were at the Big Buck?

Very good question, to be 100% honest I’ve always known that racing is just as much of a mental game as it is physical but never took it seriously until this year. I don’t have a routine before each race but the biggest mental boost for me is knowing that I am physically prepared for the race because in the past I haven’t been!

Cruising through the trees in South Carolina.
Cruising through the trees in South Carolina. Mack Faint

What did training look like for you over the off-season? Are there any switch-ups to your program?

I took the month of November off but once it hit December, I started slowly working my way into a workout routine, by the beginning of January I was 100% committed to doing my workouts and doing my best to eat and drink healthy! I have been working with Outlier Performance and wow I couldn’t be happier with my progress, and I truly enjoy working with Levi!

You won an XC2 championship in 2020, and from there, you moved up to the XC1 class. What challenges came from your transition? How have you overcome them?

Oh yeah, I will never forget 2020 not only because that was the year I won the XC2 championship but also because that was the year we had to overcome covid. It made it challenging, but it all worked out in the end! Jumping up to XC1 is no joke. Here I am 5 years later and just now securing my first podium, so kids CHASE YOUR DREAMS. Like mentioned up above, the mental part of it is what I have been struggling with, but we are well on our way to resolving that issue!

Every race is different, but which track type do you feel most comfortable on? Is there a specific race that you look forward to each season?

I prefer anytime we race in Indiana, that is home for me and what I am used to! Ironman has to be my favorite but honestly, I do enjoy all of the other tracks except Florida but that is going to change this year. I am going to embrace the suck of the Florida heat/sand and go out there and enjoy the process!

Abney continued to battle back-and-forth throughout the two hour race at Big Buck.
Abney continued to battle back-and-forth throughout the two hour race at Big Buck. Mack Faint

What’s the biggest lesson racing has taught you so far, and how has it shaped the way you approach your career?

Racing has taught me so much in the last 10+ years, but I can confidently say that the #1 thing it has taught me is hard work beats talent every time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I have been in the gym/training my entire career but one thing I will not do is give up. I truly believe that racing has taught me far more about real life and everyday tasks than school ever did. From having to put yourself out there to try and get sponsors, ordering parts, building/maintaining quads and so much more, racing has made me the person I am today!

Now that you’ve got an overall XC1 podium under your belt, what are your expectations for yourself for the rest of the 2025 season?

My expectations for the rest of the 2025 season are very simple, go out there every weekend and give it everything I have no matter what. Not only on the weekends though, but I will also work hard throughout the week and summer break to make sure no matter what I am prepared! If I do that, I know the results will come.

Abney clinched his first career overall podium earning third at the season opener.
Abney clinched his first career overall podium earning third at the season opener. Mack Faint

Racing at this level isn’t a solo effort. How does your crew help set you up for success on and off the track?

If it wasn’t for my “crew” I wouldn’t be anywhere close to where I am today! Sponsors have been a huge help over the years, but I can’t help but give a HUGE shoutout to all of my friends and family that have had my back for over 10 years! 

Finally, who else would you like to thank?

Family, My girlfriend Hope, Action Offroad, Maxxis Tires, Lonestar Racing, Fly Racing, RJR, Custom Axis, Hiper wheels, Pierce Performance, Pat Kidwell, Attica Motorsports, B&N Land Management, Quad Tech, Hinson Racing, Blud Lubricants, Rocket machining, Hygh Octane Graphics, Pandas Powder Coating, Precision Racing, Dp Brakes, Wiseco, JSM, Sunstar, Outlier Performance, Mzm Performance, IMS, Alco Cleaners, Dangerzone off-road, Evans Coolants, Twin Air, Tire Balls, Stacy Mundy Photography, Antigravity batteries, Works Connection, Scott Goggles, Yamaha BLU-CRU, UPP Racing, Hi-Flo and VP Fuels!