GNCC Racing

Women's Wednesday: Chat with WXC

Women's Wednesday: Chat with WXC

Wednesday, August 23, 2023 | 4:35 PM
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 | 4:35 PM

Women's Wednesday: Chat with WXC

We're only a few weeks out from seeing the Women of GNCC line up and hearing that famous ten second call. The summer break is always a time where the athletes can rest their bodies, reset their minds, and improve on any weaknesses to finish the last few rounds strong. Let's see what the WXC classes have been up to!

We asked them about what they've been up to this summer break. Aside from riding and training, what are their favorite things to enjoy in the "off season"? When they have time off from GNCC, what do they like to focus on to return in peak racing performance? And of course, of the last three rounds at The Mountaineer, The Buckwheat 100, and Ironman, which are they looking forward to the most?

Here's what they had to say:

Hannah Hunter
Hannah Hunter Kayla Bolton

Hannah Hunter:

"This summer break went by fast. I went to the beach for a week, got some good racing in on the weekends, and hung out with my family. My brand new truck came in, and I even got to do a riding school for three days which was a blast to see all the kids have smiles and improve.

In the off season I like to go fishing and kayaking at my boyfriend's lot on the river, and just camp out for the weekend. I also like to go mountain biking.

I like to keep my mind clear and just keep steady with working out. And most importantly keeping healthy and my body moving.

I think The Mountaineer is probably my favorite because of all the rocks and how the track is laid out. Plus it’s a beautiful facility!"

Korie Steede
Korie Steede Kayla Bolton

Korie Steede:

Pretty slow summer for me after a minor crash that put me in a cast all summer break!

My favorite things so far have been getting to hangout with my family & a little off time to do normal activities on the weekends🤣

Well normally my summer break is spent dialing everything in… buttt this summer has been spent mostly in the gym :/ Luckily I will have some time when I get my cast off to get myself & the bike feeling good  🙌

Easiest question yet! Best track of the season is the last round at Ironman 😝 

Chloe Harper
Chloe Harper Kayla Bolton

Chloe Harper:

Over my summer break, I have been up to training riding and racing every weekend. I also have been trying to recover from my collarbone injury at snowshoe. My first race back after Snowshoe I tore ligaments in my wrist and I have been trying to heal those as well.  Some of my favorite things to enjoy during the off-season is being able to hang out with my family and my friends. I also like to be able to ride and keep myself conditioned to come back after the off-season.  I like to focus on going to the gym and improving myself and my body and my endurance to keep it up during the off-season to come back as I was or even stronger then before the break. I also try to ride during the week and I also race every weekend. And I go to physical therapy to keep my body and peak performance condition.  Out of the last three rounds, I am looking forward to the Mountaineer. For me, I look to one race at a time and focus on that race until the race is over. I don't try to think about the races following. I like to focus on one race at a time to make sure that I’m giving it my all at that race. Then once The Mountaineers over, I can focus on The Buckwheat 100, and then I can move onto Ironman and we’ll see how we do.  

Rachael Archer
Rachael Archer Kayla Bolton

Rachael Archer:

My summer break has been really fun! It’s been a nice balance of fun and training hard. I was able to make the trip out to Washington Seattle for Ricky Russell’s wedding which was heaps of fun and cool to do some sight seeing. I’ve been mountain biking a lot which has been a fun cross over from riding!

Obviously made time in the break to have fun with friends and enjoy some lakeside cocktails and what not too!

I’ve been trying to keep my motos fun this off season, focusing on new skills and working on my weaknesses, always love a challenge!

I’m honestly just looking forward to racing again. It feels like we have been on break forever! I’m ready to be back at the races! 

Jessica Elioff
Jessica Elioff Kayla Bolton

Jessica Elioff:

This summer break for me has been pretty eventful, went on a family vacation, raced the Kenda 9 hr. With Hannah and Tory, and just been busy with work.

Aside from racing I enjoy getting together with friends and family and going out on our boat.

Not racing every weekend is harder to stay in shape, but with my job being very physical, along with the extra motivation of Alex and other friends we all stay in shape to be able to return in pig racing performance

Out of the last three races,  I’m probably most excited for the Mountaineer only because I like the track and it’s the first race back. Where we are able to see friends we haven’t in a few months!

Rachel Gutish
Rachel Gutish Kayla Bolton

Rachel Gutish:

With a couple ISDE team camps, coaching at Fuel Ministries, the TKO extreme enduro, a trip to Idaho to ride with the USSE promoters, and a handful of NEPGs, I’m not sure we can call it a break, hahaha. It was a great summer though; I’d get bored lying around and it’s certainly fun to switch gears and do some different races and events.

It isn’t going to sound particularly exciting, but I always like to get my trails / track and our place cleaned up a bit during the summer. After months on the road everything gets kind of neglected. I also like to take time to hang out with my family and a few non-racing friends, who tend to get neglected too during the busy parts of the season. Then last weekend I actually floated down a river in a tube as a fun recovery/goofing around day after TKO. Never done it before but it’s definitely getting added to the summer break activity list

Traci Pickens
Traci Pickens Kayla Bolton

Traci Pickens:

Summer break has been really good to us . We started out with an all inclusive trip to Punta Cana to celebrate my moms 90th birthday with 25 family members. It was a blast and everyone in the Dominican loved my mom. We returned home and headed to Vail Colorado to Celebrate 20 years of the Yamaha YFZ. It was a great event showcasing my 2019 championship atv along with a 90s themed party celebrating with Yamaha friends , employees, dealers, and other fellow Yamaha athletes. We even got to experience downhill mountain biking for the first time , Vail Mountain is no joke lol . From there we traveled to Myrtle beach for our annual family vacation hanging out at the beach , water park , and lots of good food ! Aside from riding and training , we love to travel , catch up with family and friends , we just completed our pool this year so we really have been enjoying that too.

Jp loves having all his buddies over to hangout, swim and ride crazy carts. Football and school has also started for us so practice is 4 nights a week and games on Sundays. We also added a puppy to our family. JP named her Sky , so we are in the training stages with her, she also has puppy kindergarten once a week. Jeff and I are in full force Taxi dad/mom during the week along with Jeff running his business and me trying to keep up with the house. Over break I like to focus on a mental and physical break from racing . Everyone knows racing is very hard on the body and mentally emotional too. So a lot of mental relaxation to clear the mind and body healing over the break. So one more week and then it will be back to the normal training, preparation to get back racing. I’m really looking forward to the Mountaineer race. For me this track reminds me of the old school GNCCS. It’s tighter, rock sections, off cambers, need to conserve the bike, there are a lot of alternate line choices. All and all it's just a really fun track.

Kayla O'Neil
Kayla O'Neil Kayla Bolton

Kayla O'Neil:

Ever since summer break started I have been working A LOT. I waitress at my local restaurant here at home. I would love to say I’ve been doing so many other interesting things but I’ve just been trying to see some more numbers in my bank account rather than just double digits. Even though I’ll be back in the red once we start racing again😅 As much as I love riding and training for racing, I really look forward to having two months to relax. I love spending days out on my boat. We live extremely close to a lake, so I take my boat out as much as possible. Work on my bronzed goddess tan (I get absolutely fried) I, of course, am a fan of country music, so I made a point to go to a few country concerts this summer. I’ve also been busy helping my sister plan her wedding that we have to look forward to this winter! So much more goes into it than I thought when you’re actually apart of a wedding😂

To return in peak racing performance I always stay super focused on my fitness and nutrition during the break. I try to keep my endurance on point. I love running, that’s one of the ways I train my endurance. I focus on my riding time as well, doing longer motos more often. Don’t get me wrong, my favorite food is pizza, and I love cookies and ice cream. So I do indulge, but I am very regimented other than when I need a snack. I also go to any local races going on if I have a weekend off! Nothing beats seat time on the bike. It’s crazy to think we only have three more rounds left of this season, it went by so fast! I’m definitely most excited for Ironman. It’s my favorite track of the year! (If it’s dry) The concert is such a blast, it’s a party almost like Snowshoe. There’s always so many people at this race, it really ends the season on a high note. Super excited to be back and see everyone again in just a few weeks!!

Prestin Raines
Prestin Raines Allie Spurgeon

Prestin Raines:

I haven’t gotten to really take a break and relax, but that’s okay! I’ve been spending a lot of time riding and training, hitting up a bunch of local races in Missouri. I did Loretta Lynn's at the beginning of August which was a mix up from the off road world. But really just been doing what I love!

A couple of my favorite things to do when I’m not riding or training would be to go golfing, go swimming, shopping 😝, or just hanging out with people I love and relaxing.

When we have long breaks like this I try to keep a maintained routine so I don’t get behind. Yes I do enjoy a little relaxing but I enjoy training and fun riding more than anything. So doing drills throughout the week, long road bike rides, just staying busy and going is how I make sure I don’t get behind when we come back from the break!

I would say out of the last three rounds my favorite one is Mountaineer! I love the venue there and had one of my best races there last year!