GNCC Racing

Tuesday Toolbox: Alicia McCormick

Tuesday Toolbox: Alicia McCormick

Tuesday, December 31, 2013 | 2:25 PM
Tuesday, December 31, 2013 | 2:25 PM

Alicia McCormick proved herself to be one of the challengers of the Women’s Amateur class in 2013 and she did this while also being a mother, a wife, and holding a full-time job in addition to being a racer. We caught up with Alicia to talk about her 2013 season, plans for 2014, and more. How's everything going today?
Alicia McCormick: Great! Hectic as usual, busy day in the office and an eventful night at home. Ryder is in the basement right now throwing down some laps on his strider, Layne is playing Mad Skills Motocross and Brian is fixing a broken toilet seat (laughs)

Wow, non-stop for sure! Did you enjoy your Christmas?
Definitely! When you have children it brings a whole new meaning and excitement to Christmas. Oh and I got a sweet new Shoei helmet and a hot pink race pipe, so that’s a plus as well.

What's your New Year's Resolution?
To put 150% into everything I do. Being a momma, a wife, a racer and a friend. And to never take anything for granted.

That’s a solid resolution for sure. So, tell everyone a little about yourself.
I'm a 28 year old married woman with 2 boys and an awesome husband named Brian. I have a career with the state, a house in the sticks and I’m an adrenaline junky to the max. I love doing anything that'll make me sweat, give me a rush, or make my heart pound. Sometimes my husband wishes I liked to read, knit, or even relax (laughs)

Yeah but we all know that just relaxing isn’t always as fun as it sounds! How did you get started racing?
Our son, Layne, started racing in 2011 and well, I've never been a good spectator. I always said I wanted to try, so I relentlessly nagged and bugged Brian for a year. He finally let me try it in 2012 and I was hooked! I ran a few races in 2012 and my first full season this year, 2013.

What's it like juggling being a mom, a wife, and a racer?
It’s crazy sometimes, especially when you throw my job and our business in the mix. Honestly, I wouldn't trade it for the world. We’re a racing family, it’s what we do

So it's a tough job but someone has to do it, right?
Right! I couldn’t pull it off without an amazing support system. Brian is the most caring, patient, and helpful person I know. He puts a lot of hard work and long hours into our racing program, and still manages to tuck the kiddos in and get them ready in the morning so I can go to the gym.

How did your 2013 season go?
Could have gone better but definitely could have been a lot worse. I won some, lost some, wrecked some, broke a couple times and learned a whole lot. I won 2 GNCCs, Snowshoe and the Gusher. I finished the year 3rd place in my class. I also met so many great people and have made ever lasting friendships!

What was the biggest highlight for you?
I would say its tie between my first GNCC win at Snowshoe and watching Layne secure the 2013 70 CVT championship at Unadilla.

What do you hope to accomplish in 2014?
I’m running the WXC1 class. I hope to finish strong each race, get faster and continue to mature as a racer. And prove to my sponsors I have what it takes to run up front.

What's your favorite thing about GNCC Racing?
The quality time spent with your family and friends! Then of course, hearing “Good Morning GNCC Racing nation!” and that famous “ten seconds” call.

What has been the biggest accomplishment of your racing career?
Other than landing my first Tuesday Toolbox? (laughs) I’d have to say my win at Snowshoe. I’ve heard horror stories about Snowshoe so winning there definitely boosted my confidence.

What do you hope to do on the racing side in the future?
I’d like to continue to race as long as I can. When the day comes that I can't, I’ll still be there supporting Layne and maybe our 3 year old, Ryder. I see myself being a big advocate for the sport, on the track and off.

What advice would you give to aspiring women racers?
Dream big! Don't let anyone tell you that you can’t do something, trust yourself and don't let your fears get the best of you.

Alright, before we wrap this up, who would you like to thank?
First and foremost, my husband Brian, our boys, Layne and Ryder, and the rest of my family for their support. Chris Borich, Dawn Lahr, Joe and Mary Ellen Borich and the rest of the Borich Bandits crew. You guys are like a 2nd family to us and I cannot thank you enough. The Hunter family; Heather, Doug, Hannah and Hayden, you guys are the best friends and support group that we could ever ask for. Also my mechanic Matt Brandau, Traci Pickens, Johnny Gallagher, and my work for always allowing me take off to go racing. Kara Merritt for having a countdown until Florida and all my fellow racer. You all make this what it is. Definitely big thanks goes to Ye Olde Cycle Barn and everyone that works there, Fly Racing, Fox Shox, Rekluse and new for 2014 HMF, IQ and Walsh. And a huge shout out to Racer Productions for sweet tracks to race and an awesome series to be a part of. Happy 2014 fellow motor heads and adrenaline junkies. Let’s get this started!