GNCC Racing

Tuesday Toolbox: Westley Wolfe

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 | 12:45 PM

It’s not uncommon for racers to compete in multiple series. However, it’s a little more rare that racers alternate weekends between off-road and motocross. Westley Wolfe does exactly that splitting time between the GNCC Series and ATV Motocross Series, with success in both. We caught up with Westley to find out more. How's everything going today?
Westley Wolfe: It’s going great!  

How have you been spending your winter so far?
The winter has been good so far. I picked up a KTM dirt bike earlier this winter and spent some time riding with Landon Wolfe and Steward Baylor, which was a lot of fun. Plus I’m still riding around the farm on the LTR450 as well.

Sounds fun! So tell us a little about yourself.
I’m 13 and I’m an 8th grader at Middletown Middle School where I do keep grades up (laughs). I try to ride every day. I have made trails thru the woods including motocross which I practice on whenever I can. Other than that, I’m just a normal 13 year old.

How did you get started racing?
I started racing when I was 8 in the Pennsylvania Hare Scramble Series. Then, with dad’s approval, I decided to go to a GNCC race, and that’s where I’ve been ever since. After a couple of years racing GNCC, my dad decided that I should give the motocross a try too.

So you race full-time in both the GNCC Series and the ATV Motocross Series, right?
Yeah, I race in both series. They’re both a lot of fun and I enjoy getting to travel to all the races and do what I love. They’re both great in their own way, and I really enjoy having the opportunity to do both.

What is it like racing both series?
Racing both series takes a lot of timeout of your personal life with you friends and family. It takes a lot out of my dad too because of all the driving and time he spends with everything. All-in-all though, I love it and I can’t thank him enough for talking me into both series all year.

Is it difficult to transition between the motocross and off-road formats each week?
Yeah, it’s somewhat difficult for sure. The ATV Motocross Series is a two day event. You end up having a lot of down time just sitting around and waiting for the next class. As for riding though, it's just a lot of fun no matter what. As long as I’m on a bike it’s a good time in either series.

You had a pretty solid season in both series, tell us how the GNCC season went for you.
The GNCC season actually had its ups and downs. I would like to have had first place in my class but with the unexpected break downs, it just didn't happen. I ended the GNCC season with second in the Schoolboy Novice class. I jumped up to Schoolboy A/B for the final round at Loretta’s and actually ended up with the win, so that felt pretty good as well.

What about your ATV Motocross season?
It went pretty good as well. I ended up with the championship in the 90 Automatic class and a solid second place in the 90 CVT class. It’s a ok feeling to finish second but everybody wants to win the championship. So I'm happy to just be around the top.

How did it feel to end up with a title in one series, and a solid second place in the other?
It felt really good. Being able to finish high in two national series’ in the same year is a great accomplishment.

Which do you like better, off-road or motocross?
I love motocross because of the jumps but I don’t really like the waiting because the motos are so short. They’re only about 4 laps, which is usually just around 8 minutes. With the GNCC, I get to race 2 hour, which is perfect. I love the seat time. I still haven't made up my mind which I like the best though.

What are your plans for 2013?
In GNCC I'm going to run the Schoolboy A/B class which, like I said before, I ran at Loretta’s last year. In motocross I'm going to run Schoolboy Jr. and Supermini.

What do you hope to accomplish in 2013?
I hope to improve in both series and take class championships in both.

How about beyond 2013? What are your goals for the future?
In the future I hope to move up through the ranks and hopefully get to the top, but that's everybody's dream. Of course, my grandfather says I'm going to turn pro one day (laughs)

Alright, before we wrap this up, who would you like to thank?
Mostly my dad for everything, and also mom, sister, my grandparents, my cousin chris and my great uncle bobby. Also, Landon Wolfe and his family, everybody at ATV 4Play, Maximun RPM, Greg’s ATV, Kenny family, Rath Racing, Powermadd, Maxxis, Elka, Fox and anybody else that I forgot.