GNCC Racing

COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan


Revised: April 8, 2021

So long as COVID-19 remains a health concern, your health and safety remain our concern.

Here are our protocols and things you need to consider before your visit:

Admission Process:

  • Upon entry, you will be greeted by staff wearing personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Everyone must sign the Release and Waiver of Liability in order to enter the facility. All adults must print and sign their own names. For kids, a parent must print the kids’ names and then sign their own signature.
  • We accept cash or credit card payment but prefer exact cash.
  • Your ticket will be a wristband. Please secure it to your own wrist and help your kids with theirs.
  • Park no less than 10 feet apart from your neighbor on all sides.

Registration Process:

  • Clerks will be seated behind protective barriers for your protection and theirs.
  • We ask that only the rider, or in the event of a youth rider - their parent, attend registration. Youth riders should not attend registration.
  • Standing positions will be marked 6 feet apart for social distancing. Please stand apart.
  • Entry fees can be paid by credit card or cash. Chip readers will be positioned so that riders can insert their own credit card - No signature required. If paying by cash, we prefer exact cash to limit transfer of currency. Please come prepared.
  • Pre-entered riders must check in under the red registration tent, turn in their completed annual release, and pick-up their rider packet. Advance registration is strongly encouraged. REGISTER NOW.
  • All other riders can register at the event at the white registration trailer.

Race Procedures:

  • Pro autograph sessions are suspended.
  • Only 1 rider / 1 mechanic on the Start Line. Due to social distancing concerns, mechanics should wear facemasks on the Start Line. 
  • If you rented a transponder you can return it for a refund of your deposit under the red tent. Please clean your transponder before returning it.
  • Post-race interviews will be conducted on the podium 1 rider at-a-time. The microphone will be sanitized between riders.

Health Considerations:

  • Social distancing is key. That means standing at least 6 feet apart from one another whenever possible and wear a facemask when you can’t. Bring your own mask, but if you forget, we have them.
  • Family members who have quarantined together are not expected to social distance from one another.
  • Wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer when you can’t wash your hands. We will have hand sanitizer available.
  • The CDC recommends persons who are sick with fever or cough, the elderly or those at high risk, to stay home. We do too. Please do not attend our event if this is you.
  • Please take your own temperature before you leave home. If you have a temperature of at least 100.4, you have a fever and should stay home.
  • If you know you have had contact with someone diagnosed with having COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or you yourself have had COVID-19 in the last 30 days, please stay home.
  • Respect the local community – wear facemasks and wash your hands when supporting local businesses.
  • Our onsite HEIC (Health Executive In-Charge) is Tim Cotter 304.826.0553. Call him if you have any concerns over the weekend.

Here are some signs you will see throughout the facility. Please take them seriously.